Reno/Sparks Market
Active inventory for single-family homes was up 9% from September and up 25% from August. We’re seeing a very steady climb in active inventory. The total number of solds was up 8% in October but of those 623 sold properties, short sales was down 6% and REO’s (bank owned) sales was down 16%. That means far more traditional sales are taking place – up 13% from September.
Truckee/No.Lake Tahoe Market
Active inventory for single family homes in the Truckee/North and West Lake Tahoe areas was down by 12% over the end of September, but there were exactly the same number of homes sold each month, including short sales and bank-owned sales.
If you’re thinking of selling or buying, we’re here to help! Contact an experienced Dickson agent today or visit us online at