This is a call to action.  The Reno Planning Commission has approved a plan to drastically reduce the allowed residential zoning density within the “Midtown Residential District”, generally the part of Midtown west of SVA.  Their recommendations will be heard by the Reno City Council in early October, and it is critical that you contact you Council representative and voice your opposition to this revision.

Urban Planning 301 –  Reno has a long term vision to allow the South Virginia Corridor to develop into a Transit Oriented Development, and it is working well so far especially in the Midtown district.  TODs need density, and some “well meaning” residents in the Midtown District like what they have – they don’t want to allow the densification supporting the TOD to go forward at the expense of their little paradises.  The owners occupants driving this proposal represent less than 20% of the properties in the district – one that is over 90% renter occupied.  They do NOT represent the majority of real stakeholders (renters) in the overreaching planning goal to create and sustain a thriving Midtown.